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I have over twenty years of experience as a psychotherapist. I was coordinator of the social learning program and a clinician at NYU Child Study Center where I worked for a decade. As a member of the faculty in the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU Langone Medical Center, I participated in undergraduate and graduate clinical education. I also worked with adults obtaining diagnoses of ADHD as well as mood disorders.

While living in Ithaca, I served as the clinical director for the first mobile crisis team serving the dually diagnosed. In the Hudson VaIley, I was the regional director of a behavioral health department for an agency serving families in outpatient clinics. Since then, I've also consulted and provided specialized trainings for universities and companies in Massachusetts and New York.

I continue to provide consultation and clinical supervision for other clinicians, and I’m excited to now expand my practice to offer individual therapy and groups to clients throughout Southampton, Long Island. Additional experience provided below:

  • Credit Suisse, lunch seminars
  • New York University, Undergraduate Psychology, invited lectures
  • NYU Child Study Center/NYU Langone Medical Center
  • Ross School, Bridgehampton, staff seminar

Therapy Approach

If you are looking for effective treatment, I use evidence-based approaches that are known to work. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) targets helping people change thinking patterns and behaviors. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) focuses on supporting people as they explore their values and life directions; as well as incorporating mindfulness to make changes. I often use humor and focusing on strengths during therapy. I work individually with adults and facilitate a weekday CBT and ACT group for adults as well as a group for adolescents.

Candice Baugh
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